Last Updated: November 24, 2004

So this icemaker comes with instructions, translated from the original Venusian.   I've expanded them so they're legible here. Try not to die laughing. . . .

knock lightly and it comes soon the ice.

keep together with other food. without contaminating with other taste of fishy or foul-smell. TO be a complete non-taste & delicious healthy ICE.

put into the alcohol or drinks so much com for table & marvellous taste.

keep in ice-box while outing all suitable for recreation fishing picknicking & baking (Bar-B-Q) applying.

icemaker1.jpg (15334 bytes)

Healthy Non-taste ice-maker
(instant ice-maker)

Ice of shape Half-circled & flat so that ice dropout from ice-maker directly that while ice-making & taking out ice without applying hands to touch ice.
Healthy First!

while inputting water into the Bottle pls. up till the indicated level.

while putting in/refrigerator Be sure keep it Balance.

press un-flat part ice drop down one after another.

the finished ice non-taste cooling & Healthy so much wonderful! most suitable for cooking picknicking & recreation applying.

icemaker4.jpg (12878 bytes)

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