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This shows us at our tent. There's a wooden platform with a canvas 10' x 14' tent on it. We had a picnic table outside, with a propane tank, Coleman stove, and propane lamp (visible in the bottom left corner). This picture was taken at night with a crappy disposable camera with a flash - I'm amazed anything came out at all, but it actually worked reasonably well. There are four cots inside, and they supply linens, towels, and blankets (if you're nuts and 75 degree nights aren't warm enough for you). At this time of year (late December), it gets dark around 5:30 P.M., and since it's the tropics, you get about a 4 minute warning before you can't see anything. We ate most of our dinners at the tent by lamp light.
The second night we learned that mongeese (mongooses? mongoosi?) aren't scared of tents if no one is in them - especially if they're crappy tents without a zipper to really close the insect screens on the bottom or middle of the doorway. We got back one evening to see a creature zip out of the tent at 90 MPH, and found that it had eaten a bag of chips, some Milano cookies (at least it had good taste) a few hamburger rolls, and made a pretty good mess. From then on, we kept all non-refrigerated items in a knapsack hung from the fly rail over the picnic table. The refrigerated food stayed in a cooler inside the tent, and we bought a bag of ice every couple of days to keep it cold.
You gotta like camping.
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